
Video Submissions

We strongly believe in public performance but we believe even more strongly in online public performances. Nowadays the majority of performers are watched online. They are watched on social media. In-persons recitals will never get you millions of views in a single hour. It is only possible through use of online platforms. It only makes sense for us to help students expand their online presence. In order to ensure fast and seamless video streams - all video submissions must be done through Youtube. Youtube offers the best and most reliable video service. RoadToVirtuosity does not host or upload any videos.

Video Submission Requirements:

1. We verify every video comes from your registered channel or from the official RTV Students channel. Any video from an alternate channel will automatically be rejected.

2. All users must submit videos with a good view of the piano keys and a clear view of the performer's face and body. Videos will hands only cannot be fully verified. (Exceptions are available for private students as the teacher will be able to independently verify their videos)

3. Videos must be non-edited. Cuts are not allowed. Single take from beginning to the end of performance. (Once again exceptions are available for private students since teachers are more personally involved,. Creating a high quality music performance video is also encouraged.)

4. Video performances do not need to be perfect. A few minor mistakes are okay. We understand the difficulty of a perfect performance.